News & Events

CERESiS project: 6-month consortium meeting and EAB workshop

The 6-month consortium meeting along with the first External Advisory Board (EAB) Workshop of the CERESiS project took place online on the 21st – 22nd of April 2021. 39 representatives from the CERESiS consortium and 8 EAB members actively participated in these activities, by engaging in thorough discussions around the project.

A presentation of the project’s objectives, structure and actual status was given to the EAB members, followed by a roundtable on its progression and future actions. During the 6-month meeting, the consortium members discussed in detail the progress that has been made this far for each activity and work package. This included the review of EU policies related to contaminated land management and biofuels, the analysis of decontamination and separation/cleaning methods and processes and the preparation of sites following the needs of the project.

The meeting concluded with a wrap up of the main outcomes of the 2-day discussions, which formed the main roadmap of the project, up until the next Consortium meeting.

CERESiS ΕΑΒMeeting Photo

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101006717.