In late April ’21 reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) was planted on a partially restored Pb-Zn mine site in NE England using a minimal surface application of PAS100 compost. The site has been monitored on a monthly basis and at the end of June (photo) is showing good germination and establishment on the area seeded. The compost “blanket” approach was selected following the results of previous field trials funded by the UK’s Waste & Resources Action Programme to use compost blankets to establish reed canarygrass on brownfield sites. The idea at the CERESiS trial is to provide a seed bed for germination without needing to disturb potentially contaminated soil by cultivation or incorporation of organic matter, which would also be difficult in these ground conditions.
The Project
CERESiS - ContaminatEd land Remediation through Energy crops for Soil improvement to liquid biofuel Strategies is a Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme started in November 2020 with a duration of 42 months